Curators of Violence Transformed | RUTH ROSNER

Banner Art detail: Ruth Rosner, "Memory [What She Carried On the Journey]," part of the "Refugee Women" series

Image Gallery

Artist Statement 

These are the women
who witness—
the Displaced...
the ones who walk
from the desolation of loss
of family, friend, home—
seeking shelter
to save who they can, what they can
the future.
They hold within memories.
They walk on forward.
[Embedded in the figures are found objects representing touchstones from their former life.
And these are transformative: the women recreate home within them from what they bear, what they carry forward.]

Artist Bio 

Violence Transformed has provided me the opportunity to combine art and activism, exhibiting work with powerful, committed artists throughout the Boston-Cambridge area and in NYC and beyond and to co-curate the shows: What About War, Migrations, Insider/Outsider Nation with Gail Bos & Gloretta Baynes at The Resnikoff Gallery at Roxbury Community College and Unquiet Voices with Bos, Baynes and Sasja Lucas at the Menino Arts Center in Hyde Park.

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