Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award Workshops

A Series of Artist Led Workshops for Healthcare Providers

In 2015 Violence Transformed was the recipient of a “Humanism in Medicine” Award from The Arnold P. Gold Foundation, providing support for a unique series of artist-led workshops for healthcare providers interested in better understanding the ways in which art, artists and art-making contribute to the health and well-being of individuals, families and entire communities. With this unique award, Violence Transformed was able to launch six outstanding workshops.

Click here to donate $20 and receive a PDF of The Gold Foundation Workshops of Violence Transformed publication.

Gold Foundation Workshops, 2015

Spin a Yarn, Weave a Life

With Cheyenne McCarter & Catherine Tutter

March 22, 2015

Cambridge College, Massachusetts Avenue Gallery

Peace Train Journey & "When Voices Meet"

With Sharon Katz

April 18, 2015

Lesley University Brattle Campus

“One Hen” and Encouraging the Creativity of Children

With Brian Murphy, Totally Wired Sculpture

April 19, 2015

Roxbury Community College

The Story Circle

With Robbie McCauley

April 30, 2015

Roxbury Community College

Power Up: Personal Poetry and Collage

With L'Merchie Frazier

May 19, 2015

Lemuel Shattuck Hopsital

Mark-Making and Journaling: Pathways of Healing

With Mardi Reed & Gail Jerauld Bos

June 17, 2015

MA Resiliency Center