Peace Train Journey & Documentary Film “When Voices Meet”

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Workshop Date:
April 18, 2015
Lesley University, Brattle Street Campus
Workshop Leader:
Sharon Katz

Workshop Description

Sharon Katz is a South African musician and performance artist currently touring the US with a film documenting her “Peace Train Journey,” a unique celebration of multi-racial voices organized by Katz and taken across South Africa following the release of Nelson Mandela after 27 years of imprisonment. The forthcoming film “When Voices Meet” was previewed by Sharon Katz as she shared lessons from the project and engaged participants in singing and dancing inspired by it. The Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award enabled Violence Transformed to sponsor the workshop and, in so-doing, serve as a co-sponsor of the Global Arts and Health Care Conference. Lesley University kindly offered free admission not only to the workshop, but also to the entire conference (Friday, April 17 and Saturday, April 18) to any students in the health care field and to designated individuals affiliated with Violence Transformed.

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