What’s Going On | DORIS W. MADSEN


In Partnership with Piano Craft Gallery, 2023

Banner Art detail: Doris W. Madsen, "Compromise and Change"

Image Gallery

Doris W. Madsen, "Compromise and Change," Monotype with collagraph, rubbing, relief and thread, 18” x 12”

Artist Statement 

It is up to every responsible person to create a kind and just world. That world will not come in our lifetime but change can happen. Compromise and change are two principles of Ubuntu, a sub-Saharan African world view. The compass rose is a rubbing from the embroidery of the Mayflower my mother created in the 1940s. We all have journeys. The muskets in the lower left corner represent the violence of the last 400 years and the history of white supremacy.

I am looking at the history of the English settlers to our shores and examining how their experiences have shaped the world we are in today. I have hope that with diligence we can shape a more just world. My guide here are the principles of Ubuntu.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”
~ Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 1963

“A person is a person through other persons”
~ Desmond Tutu, 2008

Artist Contact Info

Email: doriswmadsen@gmail.com
Phone: 413-210-2885
Website: https://www.dorismadsen.com
Instagram: @DorisMadsen