Violence Transformed Marches Against White Supremacy: Photography by Walter Crump

In Boston, Saturday, August 19, 2017, artists, curators, partners and friends of Violence Transformed joined thousands of others marching against racism, ethnocentrism, homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism and all other forms of bigotry and hate — honoring diversity as a strength, not a weakness, embracing whoever happens to be this week’s identified “other” and, indeed, having a truly celebratory time doing it on a bright and sunny summer’s day. We present here, photos of the March taken by artist and Violence Transformed contributor Walter Crump.  Please enjoy them! To learn more about Walter Crump’s work, visit his website at And, if you have photos of your own to add to our website, please contact Catherine Tutter, our Website Administrator.