Tag: Expressive Arts Therapy

Perspectives Workshops: Transforming Violence through Mindful Artmaking

Click our logo above to help support workshops like these Banner Art detail: Gloretta Baynes, “Haiti Victorious” Violence Transformed was the recipient of two Victim Service Training Grants from the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance to bring community-based and provider-led “Perspectives: Transforming Violence with Mindful Art-Making” workshop to community organizations […]

Standing Up | DAVID BLACK

In Partnership with Cambridge College, 2021 Image Gallery David Black, “Consciousness,” Photography, 30″ x 30″, 2019 David Black, “Excess,” Photography, 20″ x 29.5″, 2018 David Black, “Passage,” Photography, 22″ x 26″, 2018 Artist Statement “The pilgrimage never ends, but my journey of images touches both the simple and sublime en […]