Slater Concourse Gallery, Aidekman Arts Center
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University
Banner Art: Katherine Jackson
Juried Group Exhibition

Monica Manoski in performance at "Violence Transformed: Under Siege," 2017
Exhibition Dates:
August 27-September 30, 2017
Reception: September 13, 2017, 4-4:45 PM
Slater Concourse Gallery
The Shirley and Alex Aidekman Arts Center
Tufts University, 40 Talbot Avenue
Medford, MA 02155
Carol Daynard
Gerry Bergstein
Minoo Emami
Mags Harries
Katherine Jackson
Dinora Justice
Ariana Lee
Greg Lookerse
Patte Loper
Katrina Majkut
Ethan Murrow
Monica Manoski
Jeannie Simms
Yu Wen Wu
Chantal Zakari
Reception Photos
About This Exhibition
Violence Transformed: Under Siege examines the role of the artist as activist and documentarian and features the work of faculty and alumni of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts.