The Artist’s Voice


Harriet Tubman House
United South End Settlements

Banner Art: Filmmaker Jennifer Burton

Juried Group Exhibition

Joe Carpineto, GEORGE BUSH'S SURGE IN IRAQ, thread and 				suture kits, 62" x 41"
Joe Carpineto, GEORGE BUSH'S SURGE IN IRAQ, thread and suture kits, 62" x 41"

Exhibition Dates:
February 1-March 17, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017, 6-8 PM

Featuring film clip from Jennifer Burton's series
Half the Story

Harriet Tubman House
United South End Settlements
566 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA

Gail Bos and Carol Daynard

Click here for event poster

About the Exhibition

The Artist's Voice is an exhibition addressing race, violence, and social justice. The goal of this event is to foster community health through art and dialogue.


Kamili Abudushukar
Stephanie Angelo
Constance Bigony
Gail Bos
Judith Carlin
Joe Carpenito

Jennifer Coplon
Carol Daynard
Mary Harvey
Ronni Kamarow
Robert Lamothe
Diane Newton

Jonathan Patton
Hope Ricciardi
Ruth Rosner
Jo Ann Rothchild
Ginny Zanger
Elizabeth Zeldin

Image Gallery

Reception Photos