Stand Together

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Slater Concourse Gallery
Aidekman Arts Center, Tufts University

Banner Art: Susan Jane Belton

Juried Group Exhibition

Julie Graham, “Remains 2” 2017 (acrylic, sparkle, fabric on wood panels, 16 x 6”) Courtesy of the artist
Julie Graham, “Remains 2” 2017 (acrylic, sparkle, fabric on wood panels, 16 x 6”) Courtesy of the artist

Exhibition Dates:
September 29—November 4, 2018

Public Reception:
Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 6-8 pm

Slater Concourse Gallery
Aidekman Arts Center
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Carol Daynard and Mary Harvey
2009 Diploma Graduates, SMFA

Click here for exhibition flyer


Domingo Barreres
Susan Jane Belton
Magda Compos Pons
Mark Cooper
Carol Daynard
Jhona Gonzalez
Julie Graham
Angelina Gualdoni

Lorie Hammermesh
Mary Harvey
Ken Hruby
Maia Lynch
Cal Rice
Hope Ricciardi
Rhoda Rosenberg
Jo Ann Rothchild

Michelle Samour
Robert Siegleman
Christine Tinsley
Nan Tull
Heidi Whitmen
Leah Weld
Menting Yu

Image Gallery

About This Exhibition

Violence Transformed: STAND TOGETHER pairs current and former SMFA at Tufts faculty with their alumni and current students in an exhibition that demonstrates the connective power of art and artistic mentorship to foster social awareness, social justice and social change.

STAND TOGETHER highlights that challenge and sheds light on the violence, bigotry, and social injustice that seem at times to permeate our current social order, and that brings to the forefront shared visions of a tolerant, diverse, just and non-violent world. The exhibition includes both collaborative works created by a single pair of artists, and separate, but paired, works that have been created by artists to speak to one another.