Inmate Ingenuity: The Cell Solace Collection

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Museum of the National Center of
Afro-American Artists

Invitational Exhibition

Antonio Inness, Collector, Cell Solace Collection
Antonio Inness, Collector, Cell Solace Collection

Exhibition Dates:
July 22—October 21, 2018
Opening: Sunday, July 22, 2018, 3-5 pm

Conversation with Antonio Inness, Collector,
Cell Solace Collection
Sunday, September 23, 2018, 3 pm

Museum of the National Center for Afro-American Artists
300 Walnut Avenue, Boston, MA 02119
617-442-8014 /

Edmund Barry Gaither, Director

Click here for exhibition flyer

Click here for press release

About This Exhibition

This exhibition features more than twenty exquisitely crafted containers made completely from folded and woven cigarette cartons and paper that were created by inmates in prisons and jails over the second half of the twentieth century. Inmate Ingenuity is a Violence Transformed exhibition continuing the decade-long collaboration between the NCAAA and the Violence Transformed project. The exhibition is partially supported by the Mayor's Office for Arts and Culture, the Josephine and Louise Crane Family Foundation, and Violence Transformed.

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