Rest in Peace, 2014


Banner Art: "Rest in Peace," Mixed-media (sewing detail), 2014

"Rest in Peace," Mixed-media (installation at Massachusetts State House), 2014
"Rest in Peace," Mixed-media (installation at Massachusetts State House), 2014

Host Program: St. Stephen’s B-READY Youth Programs

Media: Mixed media

Adult Mentors: Meg McDermott, Leo Whelan (Will)

BU Wheelock Student Liaison: Perla Fernandez

Youth Artists:
Hannah, Jaylean, Jahi, Veronica, Laura, Cesar, Iriana, Selena, Mayalee, Jocelyn, Aggie, Katie, Faith, and Tania

Age Range:  12-20

Artist Statement

Some violence occurs silently in private places while other forms take place in the public spotlight; mourning and memory can also take these public or private forms.

St. Stephen’s teen community organizers made this project to show that violence happens on a daily basis and it is hurting our community. The process of designing and creating this art opened our eyes. Violence is everywhere, it happens every day and not just the acts of violence that go viral. The Boston Marathon bombing shall never be forgotten and we would like to honor the victims and those who survived and got on with their lives.

The cloud and images represent the Boston bombing and the people who died; it shows that they went to heaven, and will never be forgotten. However, the cloud also represents how the Boston bombing has overshadowed all of the other violent acts that happen in our city every day. The wings represent the deaths that people do not know about because they have not been publicized. They are our way of letting victims know we see them, that we know their stories. This artwork has forever changed us; we raise awareness to make a difference, a change.

Image Gallery