LA VOZ, 2011


Banner Art: Studio recording in process for "La Voz," 2011

Studio recording from "La Voz," 2011
Studio recording from "La Voz," 2011

Host Program: Hyde Square Task Force, Music Clubhouse

Media: Song Writing, Vocals, Music Production, Stage Performance

Project Type: Collaborative

Program Mentor: Aimee Tejeda

BU Wheelock Student Liaison: Tiffany Bailey

Artistic Support: Gray Bashew, Aimee Tejeda

Teen Artists:
Eliabeth Roman, Jeffry Gutierrez, Dary Suero, Alejandro Laboy, David Mercado, Edward Benitez, Michael Webster, Jose Torrez, Joanna Pabon, David Pepin, Michael Wiggins, Abraham Martinez

Artist Statement

“La Voz” Means “The Voice” in Spanish. The youth wanted to voice issues that relate to other young people and their community. Their songs are drawn from their own experiences as they write about their personal encounters with violence and advise young people to start by making the changes within themselves.

Making Music:
The youth began the process by discussing the themes that really resonated with them. As they began writing it became clear that violence was a real part of the young people’s lives. Gray had them listen to music and the youth analyzed its components and used a program called Logic to create their own original music using some of those elements. Sometimes the music came first, sometimes the lyrics came first and sometimes the concept came first. The youth then used their knowledge about production and song form, until the piece was complete. They then reflected on each complete song and worked on their presentation and performance skills.

The Meaning of the Pieces:
In the first two pieces, ”Think Twice” and “The Way Out”, the youth warn the listener that violence never leads to anything other than a darker path. The youth talk about their graphic encounters with violence, and tell others to think before they act, they tell stories about what they did to get themselves away from violence and offer advice about what made them change.

In the last two tracks, “La Verdadera Cara” and “Cartas Del Futuro”, the youth speak of the importance of personal integrity and holding on to your dreams, despite the fact that people may try to bring you down and judge you. In “La Verdadera Cara”, the youth ask the listener to not judge them by what they see but by who they are now and who they aspire be. In “Cartas del Futuro”, the youth take a reflective stance and write letters to their past selves about the difficulties to come. They tell themselves to hold true to their dreams and have the strength to find their passions. They advise the listener to “be strong” and “hold on”.

The Hyde Square Task Force Music Clubhouse is grateful for the partnership and support of the Music & Youth Initiative at the Berklee College of Music, and Culture for Change, an initiative of the Barr Foundation.

Image Gallery



Let me affirm my firm belief
that the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself


Yesterday I received a letter
A mysterious thing,
But at the same time, it was hard for me to resist
and it read….

Be calm and don’t get ahead of yourself
Things will come to you if you wait patiently
The streets are hard but don’t get ahead of yourself
Because in reality, I know you will really make it
You’ll do it, so go good and ignore the bad
And that divine dream, bit-by-bit, makes it happen
This is your destiny
It is written, you where born to be a rapper
Since you were a little kid


You must be strong
Hold on Hold on
You must be strong
Hold on Hold on


I’ve received a letter telling me of a new talent
To keep moving forward and to stay on this path
To keep fighting for it because I will make it
Because lots of people will speak about you in the future
They will critique you because of who you are
But don’t worry because you know who you are.
Ignore the bad and be patient
And above all, believe in yourself
In this world, everything is possible
But you have fight, to get into the winner’s circle
If you intend to do it, no one can stop you
from doing what you’re doing and accomplishing what you want
Life will be hard but you have to move from that
And hold on to your dreams of being a singer above all else
Because your dreams are interesting
And in time, I assure you, you will be among the giants.


You must be strong
Hold on Hold on
You must be strong
Hold on Hold on


Don’t be afraid to stay out of harms way
Don’t be afraid to show them who you are
Don’t let anybody tell you, you can’t be anything that you want to be.


David Mercado was born with a dream to be singer
He pushed himself, and then Diamante was born.
To this day, David tells him to keep moving forward.
In this world, all is possible.
Life is super hard but I have to understand
That if I don’t fight hard, I will never see my dreams
In my mind, I always take with me that to want something is to empower yourself
And if I apply myself, then no one will defeat me.
Thank you to Joel, who helped me and got me off the streets
Now, I’ve become an artist thanks to your support
And from my heart, I will always be thankful
And from all of us, I send you my blessing right from my heart
Thankful for what you did because you never lied to me
You were the perfect mentor because all you wanted was good for me
I will always remember you for what you did for me
And from the deepest part of my heart, may God bless you.

You must be strong
Hold on Hold on
You must be strong
Hold on Hold on


Let me affirm my firm belief
that the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself


Ayer recibi una carta
La cual era misteriosa
Pero a la misma vez, fue util

Tate tranquilo no te desesperes
lo tuyo llegara cuando con pasiensia esperes
la calle ta dura pero no te desesperes
por que en realidad yo se que puedes
lograrlo, hacerlo lo bueno y lo malo ignorarlo
Y tu sueños divino poco a poco superarlo
Este es tu destino
y ya esta escrito, tu naciste para ser rapero desde chamaquito



You must be strong
Hold on Hold on
You must be strong
Hold on Hold on


He recibido una carta de nuevo talento
que siga pa lante, que no me quite deto
que siga venciendo lo vas a lograr
mucha gente en el futuro de ti van hablar
te van a criticar por quien tu eres
no te preocupes por que tu sabes quien eres
ignora lo malo ten pasiencia
y en tu mismo ten mucha creencia
en el mundo to es posible
hay que luchar para llegar a un camino que te vea triunfar
si tu te lo propones nadie te puede parar
de hacer lo que tu quieres y lo que quieres progresar
la vida va hacer dura
y sigue palante y siempre lleva en mente tu sueño de ser cantante
que lo sueños que tu tiene suenan muy interesante
y con el tiempo te aseguro tu estaras entre lo gigantes


You must be strong
Hold on Hold on
You must be strong
Hold on Hold on


Don’t be afraid to stay out of harms way
Don’t be afraid to show them who you are
Don’t let anybody tell you, you can’t be anything that you want to be.


David Mercado nacio con un sueño de ser cantante
El mismo se apoyo y con el tiempo nacio Diamante
hoy en dia David le dice sigue para delante
que en el mundo to es posible para ser que tu resalte
la vida es super dura pero tengo que entender
que si yo no lucho fuerte mi sueños no voy a ver
en mi mente siempre llevo que querer pa mi es poder
y si yo me lo propongo nadie me puede vencer
gracias Joel que me alludaste y de la calle me sacaste
ahora yo soy el artista el que siempre aconsejaste
siempre te dare las gracias a ti de corazon
y de parte de todos nosotros te deseamos bendicion
agradecido de lo que hiciste nunca me mentiste
fuiste el mentor perfecto y el bien para mi quisite
siempre te recordare por lo que por mi tu has hecho
Joel que Dios te bendiga eso me sale desde el pecho


You must be strong
Hold on Hold on
You must be strong
Hold on Hold on