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In Partnership with Cambridge College, 2022

Banner Art detail: Colgan Johnson, "New Language Needed"

Image Gallery

Artist Statement

Good Trouble makes me think of that higher order of mischief and provocation. It’s thought out and the consequences are weighed. Good Trouble is inspiring because it’s an act of love even though some may not see it as that. Good Trouble stands up in the face of injustice, oppression, and wrong doing, because it’s just wrong. We should all aspire to some sort of Good Trouble at some point I would say.

Artist Bio + Contact Info

Colgan B. Johnson is an award winning photographer and videographer from Dorchester, MA. Since graduating from Amherst College in 2003, he has spent most of his time learning, educating and creating within the Greater Boston educational and artistic communities. A Certified Boston Artist, and a Creative Entrepreneur Fellow with the Greater Boston Arts and Business Council, his passion is empowering and bringing authentic representation to the people and communities he is blessed to work with. He truly believes great visuals and storytelling have the power to inspire community, help create understanding, and maybe even social change for the better. His greatest joy is helping to provide amazing voice and visuals to usually under or misrepresented communities in the educational, artistic, and political spheres.

Artist's Website: